In today’s competitive manufacturing landscape, precision, speed, and cost-efficiency are crucial. As we move into 2024, CNC machining services stand out as essential for businesses looking to stay ahead. Offering unmatched precision, consistency, and productivity while reducing waste, CNC machining can significantly enhance your operations. Let’s explore why investing in CNC machining services is a smart move for your company this year.

Application of CNC Machining in Industries

All businesses need CNC machined parts with high precision and top-notch consistency. Here are some industries that use CNC machining for their needs:

Aerospace: Every industry needs precision machining and that’s what CNC machining is capable of doing. This is important in aircraft travel parts like aircraft turbine engines. The aerospace industry favors CNC machining as it offers 5-axis machining. Aerospace is one of the top industries that rely on custom CNC machined parts.


Military: There is a broad need for CNC machining in the military, where the nameplates and other things are built. The precision is produced by CNC machining which fits perfectly with the military sector.

Construction: The equipment and tools to construct things and the materials which are used to build them which involves CNC machining. It’s also the answer for an architectural style like statues and many more.

Electronics: The parts inside the computers and motherboards also have plenty of tiny parts that should work with proper consistency every time. The hardware electronic items have panels, tiny wires, metal slates, and other parts that CNC machining serves pretty well. We at MDA deliver tailor-made solutions for electronics machined parts.

Equipment: Heavy and light, big and small equipment involves CNC machining in one way or another. CNC machining will be included in plenty of stages during the creation of the machined parts.


Transportation: Nearly all modes of ground transport include CNC machining which includes rail, transit and others. From the large sheets which make up the bodies of the vehicles and electronics involved in transportation, this is done because of the CNC machining.

How CNC Machining can benefit your business?

MDA offers a complete range of CNC machining services and is a one-stop-shop for all your manufacturing needs. Our CNC programmers have vast experience to help you with any project. Here are the key highlights of the CNC machining service at MDA:

CNC machining helps in automation: The main benefit of CNC custom machining is the effect on easing the automation as it removes the dependency of the machinist during the building process. It makes possible to leave the CNC machines unattended and allow the operators to concentrate on other areas. CNC machines work faster than the operators since they work more quickly, never take any breaks and can run late at night where a human operator can’t work. This works in favor of businessmen as it will only increase the profit of the organization.

Consistent outputs: CNC machining will produce a precise outcome each time, even the most capable human operator can exhibit minor differences when the products are finished. In the case of a CNC machine, they are sure to produce precise results all the time. Nowadays, consistency is important and while designing the machined parts, it becomes a necessity. All you require is a CNC machine, that will work as much you want, producing the machined parts as quickly as you want and that too with complete precision.

CNC machines provide flexibility: Humans are more adaptable and trainable than machines but with CNC machines it’s easier to re-program them in a few hours to get an entirely different product. This flexibility gives CNC machines a competitive advantage over other devices as they don’t require a total revamp of the parts. Adaptability also ensures that CNC machines to stay in touch with ever-changing demands as they can change with time from creating parts in bulk to design components in short supply.

Better safety for the worker: There are operators involved that use CNC machines, but these are at a safe distance from the sharp tools, whereas it’s not safe for the operators of conventional manual machines, drill punches and tools that can come in direct contact with who implements.

CNC machines are versatile: CNC machining can create virtually any component which you can imagine, some models include special features and accessories that will simplify the whole production process like for example, touch screens and automated tool chargers.

Choosing a CNC Machining Company

There are lots of things to know before choosing a CNC machining company, it’s more than just searching for the CNC machining companies which are near to you. MDA ticks all the right boxes for a CNC machining company. Here are some reasons on why choose MDA for your CNC machining needs:

  • Accuracy: Here at MDA the parts are created with utmost accuracy and meet the standards needed by the clients. We are able to bring out the parts which will fit your accuracy and we use the latest technology in the machining process.
  • High-quality products: We are able to provide machined parts that are used to develop high-quality products. We can create machined parts from medical tools to electronics to aerospace. Our parts cater to almost every industry.
  • Custom finishes: We offer a wide variety of custom surface finishes for CNC machining which gives a textured finish for the grip and usability.



The use of CNC machines is a perfect move for industries like defense, medical, oil and gas, and many more. At an all-time increasing competitive environment, CNC machining helps in developing top-notch products in no time and with less cost. MDA provides bona fide manufacturing consulting services to its customers, which are designed for long-term success. We offer top-of-the-line CNC machining services to enterprises across all vertical industries. For more details, fill out the form here.



Choosing a suitable CNC machine shop can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve not done it before. It’s not just the matter of who delivers the best; the selection process also involves hiring a shop that delivers exactly what you want, faster.

Plus, there are hundreds of CNC machine shops littered across the continent – which could further complicate the entire hiring process. While initial research like references and testimonials might help, there is a lot that is needed to judge a machine shop’s performance.

If you are confused about what to look for in a precision machine shop, here are a few tips to save the day.

Hiring a Precision CNC Machine Shop: A Checklist for Entrepreneurs

Here is a list of the things that can make your CNC machine shop hunt easier.

●  ISO Certification
You can begin the search by filtering out the shops with ISO Certification. The quality management label simply states your shop is equipped enough to provide you the quality machined parts you are looking for.

●  Experience
Next comes the relevant experience the shop comes with. While machining startups are great on their own and could definitely meet your expectations, you might be looking for machinists or shops that have relatively greater experience working with the same industry domain as yours. Chances are they have already delivered order types and sizes similar to your requirement.

●  Machining Capabilities
Machine shops that come with extensive engineering, design, and manufacturing capabilities are always safe to hire. This way you can ensure they’ll be equipped to resolve any technical or product-based limitations that might arise during the machining and manufacturing process. This also guarantees you’ll receive your order on time if all goes well.

●  Variety of Equipment
A machine shop, however small, comes with solid numbers of equipment. They may not be the latest ones – in case of shops that are just starting or the ones on the stage of obsoletion. But, there are many that boast new-age cutting tools and machining equipment. You may choose them solely based on the order size and the precision needed.

●  Offers Prototypes/Sample pieces
Product sampling is very crucial when dealing with large-scale production. However, there are many shops still that don’t offer sample manufactured pieces or prototypes of the design, which might cause production delays and dissatisfaction. Simply eliminate these types of shops from your CNC hunt.

●  Customer Services and Support
CNC machining and manufacturing is more than just shaping raw materials into precision CNC machined parts; it’s also about how the shop deals with the customer requirements. What is the process they follow? Are they transparent in their approach? What is their workforce like? How do they deal with customer queries? In short, acute customer services is crucial in every industry, including in the CNC environment.

Things To Remember Before You Place An Order

So, you have shortlisted a CNC machine shop you deem fit for your requirement. Next comes actually placing an order with them. Wait…

Before you click on the ‘Request A Quote’ button, be sure to check everything. What is the quantity you looking for and can your shop help you with it? And most importantly, what is your requirement, exactly? You don’t want to cause production delays due to material or tolerance shortcomings, do you?

●  Do you have alternatives for the material type you’ve selected?
It’s possible the shop cannot fetch CNC machining material you’ve chosen on-time. Or it could be very expensive, thereby, increasing the production cost. Anyway, having an alternative always helps in long-run.

●  Are you specific with your tolerances?
You need to specify accurate measurements for precision and quality purposes, obviously.

●  Do you know how the product will be developed?
This is considering you’ve done the custom part design yourself. Not considering how it will be developed while designing can lead to an increase in production costs.

Following the tips mentioned above can help you experience smooth and super-productive CNC machining!


Here at Machining Design Associated Ltd., we offer top of the line CNC machining services to businesses across all industry verticals. For more information, fill up the form here.

The world of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is extensive. Precision machining is at an all-time high. We get introduced to a new functionality every other week, thanks to all the advancements happening in the tech space. Hand-held lathe gave way to automated lathes, and in another few decades, we’ll have AI directed lathes (those days aren’t far, folks!).

In this post, we’ll be discussing one such innovative offering to the CNC world – Swiss Screw machines. Powerful counterparts that take care of smaller and much complex CNC machined parts, so you can use up your lathes for much larger and extensive parts.

What is a CNC Swiss Screw Machine?

Originally from Switzerland, Swiss screw machines can be best described as a type of automated lathe capable of handling both CNC turning and milling.

The concept of Swiss Screw Machines is nothing new – it was first used in the 1800s, the collet chuck getting patented in the 19th century (1870s). 1960 saw Swiss screw machines gaining its momentum. The first CNC Swiss Screw machine was introduced in the late 1970s, and a decade later, they found their niche in the electronics industry. This machine type is also popular amongst Swiss watchmakers.

Swiss Screw machines are much sophisticated now. Improved designs, servomotors and CNC controls, have given today’s Swiss machines and operators much more liberty to produce highly-precise and complex parts faster, better. They are now widely used in preparing CNC machined parts for medical and aerospace applications – industries that cannot afford imprecise components.

Swiss screw machines are designed to handle both turning and milling, which enables us to produce cent percent perfection in one sitting. In this machine type, the workpiece moves in place of the cutting tool. This process is quite similar to conventional lathe – just, unlike lathe, Swiss lathe have a flexible headstock that moves back and forth (z-direction) along with the bar.

Advantages of Swiss Screw Machines

Swiss Screw machines have a lot to offer, apart from its ability to produce much smaller machined parts. This machine type drives all of its benefits out of its tools, uniquely placed geometry, and mechanics.

Listing a few outstanding ones below:

  • They have a very compact design – with all their parts (tools included) placed in proximity. This reduces the chip-to-chip time from one tool to another to a mere second or less.
  • Operation time in a Swiss machine is relatively lower than its lathe counterpart. They are flexible enough to perform several operations at one time with as many as five tools working together.
  • Swiss Screw machines have this extensive tool zone that can hold up to 20 tools. This number may vary depending on the machine type. The high-end machines may also contain tool changers.
  • They boast perfect surface finish, eliminating the need for an extra involving it.
  • Swiss Scre machines are fit to perform every other secondary operation – milling, drilling, sawing and what not.
  • Setup time is relatively shorter in case of Swiss Screw machines.
  • Fast cycle times and flexibility without compromising quality.

Why You Should Choose Our Swiss Screw Machining Services

At Machining Design Associated Ltd., we provide precision CNC Swiss screw machining services. We have a five-decade-long experience in handling orders of all types and varieties.

We provide quick quotes. Contact us with your requirements today!


Over the past few decades, the world has witnessed a major shift in the high-tech field. From being just a ‘wanted aspect’, it has slowly become a necessity in our everyday lives. New-age technology has made everything more convenient and efficient, regardless of the industry involved.

The computer-aided revolution has made a large impact on the manufacturing world as well. Automated equipment has given us the ability to produce a more precise part in a much shorter time. While CNC machines date back to the late 1950s, they continue to evolve and enhancements are made on a continuous basis. Modern CNC lathes give the operator the ability to produce a part with milled and cross-drilled surfaces. Something that was unavailable just a short time ago.

How has this impacted us:

1.  Reduced Human Efforts
CNC Machines have allowed us a more hands-off approach. Parts can be completed on one machine in one set-up with very little human intervention. Machines can now run lights out; 24 hours a day seven days a week. The equipment can be fed by robotic arms or magazines that hold multiple lengths of raw material. Human error has greatly decreased with the use of this high-tech equipment.

2.  Increased Accuracy in Mass-Production
With these machines being handled by computer controls the chances of non-conforming parts being produced has been greatly reduced. If the machines are programmed correctly from the start and tool wear is monitored, the repeatability of conforming CNC machined parts should be over 99%. Gone are the days when each part was physically manipulated in a turret lathe or manual mill in hopes of achieving repeatability.

3.  Complex Product Development
Multi-axis machines have allowed us to machine parts to greater tolerances and with more complex features. This is something that was very difficult to achieve just a short time ago.

4.  Reliability
The equipment is ready to work every day with just the push of a few buttons. It rarely gets sick and only requires some maintenance and the occasional repair part. The machines are ready to work 24 hours a day. Machines today require much less human interaction and are able to produce parts faster and with more accuracy.

5.  Highly Adaptable
CNC machines are amazingly accommodating. The machines will constantly evolve and new innovations will continue to be introduced. Today we can work with all types of metals and plastics in an efficient and accurate manner.

Types of CNC machines

Generally, there are six types of CNC machines, all used for different purposes and materials:

Milling Machines:  Widely popular. In fact, they might even be the most popular type of CNC machine used today. Milling machines utilize rotary cutters to shape workpieces to perfection. They can be programmed to provide the required depth, angle and cutting direction.

CNC Lathes:  A lathe is utilized to develop highly precise conical and spherical shaped parts. This particular machine uses turning centers wherein the cutting tool shaves off the excess material while the material is rotating on a spindle.

Drilling machines:  CNC drills are highly advanced drilling machines where the speed of the drill and the depth to be drilled is handled by highly sophisticated computer programs.

Screw Machines:  Screw machines are the advanced version of automated lathes. They are used to produce smaller yet complex machined parts for automotive, aerospace, medical and electrical hardware industries.

CNC Grinders: This type of machine utilizes a rotary wheel that abrades the material into the desired shape by repeatedly grinding it.

CNC Plasma Cutters:  Plasma cutters uses plasma beam to cut the materials into 2D shapes.

Materials used by CNC machines

A CNC machine is highly versatile, utilizing almost every type of materials to produce some quality machined parts. From common materials like aluminum, copper to exotic alloys and wood, a CNC machine can handle them all. Here’s a list of the in-demand materials that MDA Ltd. Uses:

Material Type Properties
Brass Highly durable and corrosion resistant
Aluminum Lightweight, malleable, inexpensive
Steel Economical, high strength, versatile
Industrial plastics Versatile, lightweight
Phenolics Heat resistant and durable
Copper Corrosion resistant, versatile, conductor of heat
Stainless steel Corrosion resistant
Alloy steel Tensile, wear resistant
Plywood Wear & tear resistant, dimensionally stable


CNC machining has revolutionized the whole Manufacturing industry and it is still improving. It will be quite interesting to see where it can take us in the years to come!!!

Machine tools are, hands down, an essential component of CNC machining.

They make the manufacturing process possible, helping us craft perfect custom-machined parts and products. Simple structure or super-complex, 3D shape or 5D, 2mm piece or 200mm- there is nothing apt CNC machining tools can’t create.

Simply put, if the CNC machine is the brain, machine tools are the limbs- converting instructions into actual action.

While CNC machine tools are fairly new, two-three decades-old- machine tools have existed for a long time. They were there even before CNC or anything computer machinery came into existence.

As everything is machine-related, CNC machine tools have gradually evolved with time. The manually handled tools have now transformed into computerized ones that decrease our workload by a hundredfold.

We can now repeat sequences and create millions of similar pieces with an accuracy of a marksman.

To achieve machined parts of different shapes, a CNC machine utilizes several different types of CNC tools. Additionally, several other types work exceptionally well with certain materials like wood, metal, and more.

Some work on different speeds and feed to get perfect custom machined parts.

All in all, there are several types of CNC machine tools. Let’s look at the types and functionalities. 

CNC Machine Tool Types

Milling Machines

Milling machines are used for cutting, drilling, and boring operations. There are two types of milling machines:

  • Vertical Machining Centers – These machines have a vertically oriented spindle that moves the workpiece vertically. They are ideal for flat parts that require drilling, milling, or tapping.
  • Horizontal Machining Centers – These machines have a horizontally oriented spindle that moves the workpiece horizontally. They are ideal for complex parts that require 4-axis or 5-axis CNC machining.

Turning Machines

Turning machines create round parts by removing material from the workpiece. There are two types of turning machines:

  • Horizontal Lathes – These machines have a spindle that is parallel to the ground and hold the workpiece in a horizontal position. They are ideal for creating long, slender parts.
  • Vertical Lathes – These machines have a perpendicular spindle to the ground and hold the workpiece vertically. They are ideal for creating large, heavy parts.

Grinding Machines

Grinding machines remove material from a workpiece by grinding it with an abrasive wheel. There are two types of grinding machines:

  • Surface Grinders – These machines grind flat surfaces on a workpiece. They are ideal for creating smooth finishes on parts.
  • Cylindrical Grinders – These machines are used for grinding cylindrical surfaces on a workpiece. They are ideal for creating precise cylindrical parts.


Other types of CNC machine tools are commonly used in manufacturing:

  • Electrical Discharge Machines (EDMs) – These machines use electrical discharge to remove material from a workpiece. They are ideal for creating complex shapes or cutting hard materials.
  • Laser Cutting Machines – These machines use a laser beam to cut through the material. They are ideal for cutting through thin sheets of material, such as metal or plastic.


Invest in CNC machine tools to enhance precision, productivity and efficiency in manufacturing processes. Talk to our expert.


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CNC Machine Tool Functionalities

Precision Machining

Precision machining is one of the primary functions of CNC machine tools. CNC machines can achieve very high levels of accuracy and repeatability in the parts they produce. It is achieved through high-precision sensors and actuators, which allow the machine to precisely control the cutting tool’s movement.

High-Speed Machining

High-speed machining is another crucial function of CNC machine tools. Using high-speed spindles and cutting tools, CNC machines can achieve faster cutting speeds and higher material removal rates. This allows manufacturers to produce parts more quickly and efficiently, reducing production times and costs.

Multi-Axis Machining

CNC machines can perform multi-axis machining operations, which involve moving the cutting tool along multiple axes simultaneously. This allows manufacturers to create complex, three-dimensional shapes and features that would be difficult or impossible to create using traditional machining methods.

Tool Changing

CNC machines are capable of changing cutting tools automatically without the need for operator intervention. This allows manufacturers to use multiple cutting tools in a single machining operation, reducing the need for manual tool changes and increasing efficiency.

Program Storage and Retrieval

CNC machines are capable of storing and retrieving machining programs electronically. This allows manufacturers to easily recall and reuse machining programs for future production runs, reducing setup times and increasing productivity. It also allows for easy modifications to existing programs, making it easy to update part designs or make other changes.

Applications of CNC Machine Tools 

Aerospace Industry: The aerospace industry relies heavily on CNC machine tools to produce aircraft components. CNC machines produce complex, high-precision parts such as turbine blades, engine components, and landing gear.

Automotive Industry: The automotive industry uses CNC machine tools extensively to produce vehicle components. CNC machines produce engine blocks, transmission components, and suspension parts. CNC machines are also used to produce molds and dies in automotive manufacturing.

Medical Industry: The medical industry uses CNC machine tools to produce medical devices and implants. CNC machines produce surgical instruments, orthopedic implants, and dental components. CNC machines also produce custom prosthetics and other patient-specific medical devices.

Electronic Industry: The electronic industry relies heavily on CNC machine tools to produce electronic components such as printed circuit boards (PCBs). CNC machines are used to produce PCBs with high precision and accuracy, ensuring that components fit together correctly and function properly.

Other Industries: CNC machine tools are also used in various other industries. For example, the woodworking industry uses CNC machines to produce furniture, cabinetry, and other wooden components. The metalworking industry uses CNC machines to produce various metal components, from small precision parts to large structural components for buildings and bridges. CNC machines are also used to produce plastic components for various applications. Discover an impressive collection of CNC parts produced with a diverse range of materials in our product gallery.

Conclusion – CNC Machine Tools: Types & Functionalities

In conclusion, CNC machine tools have revolutionized the manufacturing industry by providing high precision, accuracy, and efficiency in producing complex parts and components. When exploring CNC machine tools and their functionalities, it is essential to consider reliable service providers like MDA, a reputable CNC machine shop based in Canada and throughout North America.

Our expertise in the field ensures precision, efficiency, and exceptional results for various industries. Whether you require milling, turning, or grinding services, MDA has the capabilities and state-of-the-art equipment to meet your needs. With their commitment to delivering top-notch customer service and extensive knowledge of CNC machine tools, we are a trusted partner for businesses seeking reliable precision machining tools in Canada.

The various types of CNC machine tools, including milling machines, turning machines, grinding machines, and others, offer a range of capabilities to meet the needs of different manufacturing applications.

Additionally, the functionalities of CNC machine tools, including precision machining, high-speed machining, multi-axis machining, tool changing, and program storage and retrieval, enable manufacturers to produce parts quickly, accurately, and cost-effectively.

As a result, precision machining tools are widely used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical, electronics, and many others. With ongoing advancements in CNC technology, we can expect to see even more impressive capabilities and applications of these machines.